
P2 Class News -June

P2 have been very busy for the last 2 weeks!

Together with P1 Green,  we went to the Cruickshank Botanic Gardens and did  a minibeast hunt.  Then we used the data about the number of the minibeasts found in the garden to make bar graphs for our data handling maths topic.

For our Gardens Topic, we took part in the Butterfly Life Cycle Project. We looked after the butterflies in our classroom. We saw how each caterpillar turns into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly. Once the butterflies  were fully grown, we released them into our environmental garden !This week we also took part in the Farm to Fork Tesco Project where we learned where the food that we find in the shop comes from and how it is stored. We also went to see how the bread in the bakery department is made and we were given the food to make our own sandwiches for lunch!

In mental maths we have been practising reading and spelling number words and matching the number words with the numbers.

In Literacy we focused on the  -ss- phoneme as in grass, kiss, hiss, miss, cross etc. Next week we will work on the -ff- phoneme as in cliff, stiff, cuff, puff.