
Welcome Back!

Welcome back!
We have had a very busy term so far in P1 Blue. .
In class we have been reading all about Elmer and the adventures he goes on. We love how colourful he is! Have a look at our own Elmer creations! img_2794

We have been learning the sounds, s,a,t,p,i,n in class and we have been singing the Jolly Phonic songs. After the holidays we are going to learn more sounds, starting with ‘r’ and ‘m’.




In numeracy lessons we have been counting to 10 and matching pictures to the right numbers. We have also been playing games on Education City where we have to find the smallest number and put the numbers in order.

Our topic this term, is ‘People Who Help Us’. So far we have learned about Doctors and how they can help us when we are hurt. We made x-rays of our hands and created our own medical bags which have everything a Doctor needs.

Dentists himg_2877elp us to look after our teeth. We have been remembering to brush our teeth twice a day and to try and eat healthy foods.

Over the next few weeks we are going to find out how the Police and the Fire Service can also help us.


The class have loved going outside into the Environmental Garden, playing with friends, listening to the sounds outside and learning about living things.


Just a reminder that gym days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We have a library session on Thursdays too where the children can borrow a book and take it back the following week.