
Happy New Year from P3 red

Happy New Year from Primary 3 Red. We hope you enjoyed the holidays. It is great to see everyone so happy to be back at school and ready to learn lots of new and exciting things.

This is what we will be learning during the next few weeks.



Our new sounds will be ‘ch’ (as in chorus), ‘se’ (as in cheese) and ‘c’ (as in city). We will also be consolidating previous phonemes as well as assessing our ability to recognise and use the sounds we have learnt throughout Primary 3 so far.

Learn the ‘Soft c’ or the ‘ch’  with Geraldine the Giraffe!  

Our new spelling words will be –  any, body, carry, along, story, back, bird, add, between, world, city, ice, face, place and more. 

Maths: We are learning all about shape!


We are going to be looking at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes as well as exploring the links between them. We are also going to be learning about symmetry and will be making our own symmetrical pictures. We will be able to identify and mark lines of symmetry on a range of patterns and shapes.

Topic: Our new topic is Communication! We will be looking at different ways in which we communicate and will research the lives of people who have contributed to the world of communication. In science we will be investigating sound and how it travels as well as conducting different experiments linked to this. In technology we will explore how communication technology has evolved as well as how to stay safe online.

Image result for email

Homework: Homework will be issued on a Wednesday and should be returned on Mondays.

Gym: The children have at least one PE lesson a week. On Wednesday mornings we have gym with Mrs Armstrong. Please ensure all children have a gym kit in school.

Thank you for all your support.

Miss Webb and Primary 3 Red