P1 Red

Outdoor learning with P1 Red

Hello from P1 Red.

Even in the cold weather over the last few weeks, we have been getting outside to explore. Last Friday we walked to the  Botanical Gardens to look for different types of birds and to collect pine cones. Our P7 buddies came with us. It was a wonderful way to start our day in school. Thank you to all the parents who came with us for our trip.


We have also been getting out to our school environmental garden to look at the changes during the winter season and to use our brilliant new Mud Kitchen. The children have been so creative and imaginative, dreaming up some wonderful recipes and ideas in the kitchen. We looked around the garden for beasties and bugs and checked to see if our bird feeders had enough food to keep the birds fed during these cold months.


Thank you for all your support.

Mr O’Neill and Primary 1 Red.