
Class News P5

Primary five have been learning lots of different things over the past few weeks.

ch-tchIn literacy we have been learning different phonemes, such as the phoneme ‘tch’. We use it to spell watch, latch and hatch. Also we have been learning how to write in different genres. We can write narrative stories with colourful characters, inspiring settings and fantastic plots. We are good at writing clear instructions in the right order. We have written about our science experiments and we have written instructions for building different types of bridges.

In maths we have been learning how to multiply by a single digit. multiplyingby10and100videoWe also know how to multiply and divide by 10,100 and 1000. If you are multiplying by 10 just move the digits one space to the left and there will be zero units. To multiply by 100, move two spaces to the left and there are zero tens and units. To multiply by 1000, move the digits three spaces to the left and there are zero hundreds, tens and units. We have also been learning about fractions and decimals.

bridge-1In our topic, we have been learning about different bridges in Scotland and bridges all around the world. Andrew and Henry made a Powerpoint presentation about bridges and it was awesome!!!!!!

We have also been learning about China with Miss Wang andorigami_Santa we are learning how to speak Mandarin. Last week she taught us to make origami Santas!

On Sunday, the choir went to the Music Hall to sing in the CLIC SARGENT Christmas Carol concert and we had lots of fun. We listened to the adult choir rehearsal and then we performed on stage. We are really enjoying primary five.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone in Primary Five !!!