School News

Health Week 9th – 13th June

P2 pupils made their own bread for lunch
P2 pupils made their own bread for lunch
We had a fabulous week of varied activities delivered by our teachers. Every class had opportunities to practise a variety of sports – volleyball, tennis, golf – and develop skills in yoga, keep fit, skipping and Irish Dancing. All the children made Rainbow Wraps with chopped vegetables of many colours. They learned about Healthy Choices, Friendship and the Commonwealth Games. P2 went to Tesco to learn about different types of fruit, vegetables, cheese and bread. They made their own lunches. P6 visited Aberdeen Sports Village to take part in Squish Squared. On Wednesday, we had Potted Sports in the morning and then went to Seaton Park for our Fun Run. Many thanks to Mrs Armstrong and to Yana for organising it.