
Our Learning in Primary 3 Red

We have been very busy in Primary 3 Red!

In Maths we finished our unit on time. We can tell the time to O’ Clock and Half Past and some of us are beginning to tell the time to 5 minute intervals.


We have been learning about division. We have been learning how to share a larger number into smaller equal groups. We also know about remainders!


We learnt about what plants need in order to grow. We planted cress and then put in in lots of different places like the windowsill, the fridge and a cupboard. We found out  that plants needs water, light and nutrients to grow and don’t like to be too hot or too cold.


In topic, we were looking about how robots can be programmed to carry out a wide range of tasks. We had a go at programming some BeeBots and enjoyed designing our own paths for them to follow.


We went to the Sports Village and had lots of fun throwing the javelin and seeing how far we could jump!


Thank you for all your support.


Miss Webb and Primary 3 Red