P4 2021-2022

Welcome to term 4!

On our first day back at school we had a lot of fun celebrating Easter Monday. We were weaving baskets, making bracelets and taking part in bunny hop.


During term 4 we will continue working on developing our reading skills through fun, engaging ideas and activities. We will also work on developing our writing skills by preparing different genres of writing.


During the first part of term 4 we will focus on learning about collecting and recording data. We will look at tally charts, bar charts, pictographs, Carroll and Venn diagrams.


We will continue preparation for our First Communion during RE lessons and meetings with Fr Gabor.

Interdisciplinary learning.

Our context for learning this term is Our Natural World- Freshwater. We will talk about parts of a river and rivers in Aberdeen. We will take part in litter picking and as a class we will prepare a floorbook to show our learning. We will also research animals that live near and around freshwaters in Scotland and discuss life cycles, food chains and a water cycle.