
P5 class news for March

Primary five have been very busy during March.


We had a great time during world book day. We all took our favourite books to school and, in our groups, created posters to advertise our favourite book. We then created a brand new blurb and front cover for it. They are hanging up in the classroom and we enjoy reading about each other’s favourite books.

We have been continuing to read our class novel “Friend or Foe”. Last week, we worked with a partner to create character descriptions. We had to draw a picture of the character, based on the description of them in the book. We then had to write what we knew about the character around the portrait, referencing the page number that told us about that feature of the character.


We have been working very hard in maths. We have been learning about fractions and decimals. We are able to

We have also been learning about tenths and hundreds. We will be continuing our learning about fractions, decimals and percentages until the end of term.

Remember to log in to your lumio account to practise these concepts at home!  https://web.lumioeducation.com/app/signin.html


The class has been working very hard to rehearse for the Passion Play. The children have been learning, through the gospel of Mark, about the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus. They are looking forward to sharing their work with the school community on Tuesday 22nd March at 2pm.

Father Gabor came in to talk to the class about the Year of Mercy and how we can show mercy towards other people. We have been thinking about how we can show mercy to others during this time of Lent.

The children have been learning about what happened to Aberdeen during the war. They enjoyed looking at the interactive map on google to research if there were any bombings near their houses https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@57.151522,-2.1145967,13z/data=!4m2!6m1!1sz8RRvQYE6Eh4.kO6dzF4En4RM.

They have also been learning about how messages were sent during the war using Morse code. It was fun to try and send messages for other people to decode.

This week the class are learning about rationing, why it happened and what things were rationed. The children were surprised to find that rationing continued for 9 years after the war had ended. Later this week the children will participate in an activity where they will be estimating the correct weekly rationing weight of different types of food.