Past P7 pupils

Primary 7 Mandarin Conference

Primary 7 have been learning Mandarin this year with the help of our visiting specialist teacher,  Ellen Liu from Tianjin.  The SCEN in Aberdeen University held a conference showcasing China, and Mandarin being taught in Scottish primary and secondary schools.  Aberdeen had  decided on a version of “Aberdeen has Talent” to showcase the variety of different ways Mandarin has been taught through the schools.

The whole class were very excited to participate on the day! They worked in groups to create their own Tai Chi movements to the music of “Everybody was King Fu Fighting”.  Each group designed T-shirts with the Chinese character of the animal they were representing.  The groups were; Dragon, Tiger, Leopard, Snake and Crane.  The class introduced themselves in Mandarin along with saying their animal name and counting.

P7 on Stage                                                  Aboyne Academy Pipe Band Opening the Conference