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Our Final Term in P1 Blue

We have been so busy this term !

Our topic is Toys. On Friday 6th May, we visited Aberdeen Science Centre, where we learned about Forces and how they work. We had such a great afternoon with P1 Red and we especially loved learning about static electricity. We also visited the Maritime Museum to see the Toy Exhibition. We learned about toys from the past and what they were made from.

spinning top

In maths this term, we have been learning about Time. We have learned about what we do in the mornings, afternoons and evenings and we have been singing the days of the week song to help us to remember the correct order. We can now say when it is lunchtime – 12 o’clock – and when it is home time – 3 o’clock. We have also been learning about Fractions. In pairs, we made pizzas. We made sure that each half of the pizza was fair and we placed ingredients so that they were also symmetrical.


We have just been consolidating the digraphs, ‘wh’ and ‘ph’. We made a seaside wall display with whales and dolphins with Miss McCann. We are going on to learn ‘ee’ ‘oo’ ‘ck’ ‘ai’ ‘oy’ and ‘oa’. We have really enjoyed writing silly sentences which include lots of words with the sound of the week.
Here is a link explaining what each sound, sounds like. Hopefully it is helpful: http://www.phonicsinternational.com/new_hear_sounds.html

This term we have also enjoyed going to Aberdeen Aquatics Centre to learn to swim. We have loved blowing bubbles, splashing and playing games with the instructors.

This week, P1 Blue will be welcoming the new P1 children into school, showing them around the classroom and playing games with them. We look forward to seeing you!