Parent Council

Please come to the next Parent Council meeting on 20th June

All parents are invited to come to the next Parent Council meeting on Tuesday 20th June 6.30pm – 8.30pm. Meetings are usually held in the staffroom although we can move to a classroom if attendance is good!

Mrs Craig will run a creche so parents can bring children along.

Items for discussion are

  • Review of recent events (Sports Day, Summer Fayre)
  • Discussion of  forthcoming events (P7 Prom, Moving up day, Achievement Assemblies)
  •  Pupil assessments; Composite classes for 2017-18 session
  •  Sacramental preparation

We will also discuss finances and funding requests.

A working group has been meeting with Council officials to look at options for a replacement building for St Peter’s School and there will be a report about this.

There will also be the chance to look at the draft school improvement plan and  talk about the planned spending of the Pupil Equity Fund.

You can see the full agenda here.agenda 20th June 2017