
Term 4 – Primary 4

As a new term begins, here is an update of some of the learning that has gone on in Primary Four in the last while.


Within our spelling lessons, the children are encouraged to consolidate their knowledge of phonemes. They use this knowledge to help them spell accurately and children gain confidence to read with understanding and expression. Over a 10 day period, we work through a range of literacy activities based on a particular sound, taking a problem solving approach. We will continue this approach after the holidays. The children’s weekly spelling homework will help consolidate their knowledge.

We continue to read our class novel, “The B.F.G.”. Through our novel, we are learning to improve our fluency and develop our comprehension skills. We have also completed some pieces of writing linked to our novel such as newspaper articles, diary entries and report writing.

We are continuing to use reflective reading activities in the classroom and for our homework, allowing the learners to explore their higher order thinking skills through reading.


As our Viking topic comes to an end, the children were asked to complete their own personal project based on the Vikings. They were asked to create a book or model based on their own piece of research. The standard of the work completed by the children was fantastic! We had a gallery walk, allowing everyone to have a look through all the excellent projects and give some peer feedback. It was a lovely experience. I was so proud of the hard work completed by the class.




In preparation for our First Holy Communion, each child is working through their “I belong”, documenting their First Holy Communion journey. The book is to be completed at home and in school. Your support is very much appreciated.

Creative conference

We were invited to take part in the Creative Conference in the University of Aberdeen, run by M.A. 2 Education students. We had a great time, taking part in lots of different workshops based on lots of curricular areas such as science, literacy, problem solving and expressive arts.


We have been very active this term. We took part in a Soo Yang do workshop, learning more about this form of martial arts. We also started football in school with the trainer from the Russell Anderson Foundation.