P7 2018

Welcome to Primary 7

Welcome to Primary 7

Thank you to the parents who were able to manage to come to meet the parents evening.  If you were unable to attend, I have sent an information sheet home with your child regarding, homework, topic and responsibilities of Primary 7 pupils.

We have had our first exciting trip of the year to Techfest.  The pupils took part in 3 workshops

  1. Solar K’nex Challenge – where they had to build a K’nex “train” using solar energy to power the motor
  2. Planetarium- We learned about the Seasons and how the night Sky changes. We learned about different Constellations
  3.  The Litter Lab Show with Scientific Sue – how everyday waste can cause problems in the environment

Maths Week 10/09/2018

Primary 7 have been looking at how maths can be used in a fun creative way.  For examples. Art in maths, science and games. The children will take part in a maths week challenge competing with other children in Scotland on a maths website called Sumdog.  They  have logins that they can use at home as well as school.


Our topic is Developing Young Workforce and we will be asking parents to come in discuss what their daily jobs are. The children will be looking at their own skills and take part in researching jobs and and industries that intrest them and ones that will contiribute to our loca community.

House Captains

P7 have written letters of interest in becoming House Captains to Mrs. Martin.  Over the next couple of weeks they will be interviewed and a selection will be made.  We are very impressed by the number of intrests and the quailty of their letters.