P6 2018

Primary 6 November Update

Numeracy and Our Caring World

Our Porridge Smiles Party was a success!  Primary 6 managed to raise enough money to feed a child for a year with Mary’s Meals.  Our target was to raise £13.90 but after expenses we calculated that we had made a profit of £18.48!  Well done everyone!

Primary 6 will continue to focus on Money this term and we are working out how we will ‘grow’ the £50 given to us by the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF).

Literacy and Our Caring World

Primary 6 have been creating posters to promote their Talent Show “SPs’ Got Talent!”  This talent show is linked to our talented fundraiser enterprise project. Pupils have been creating both handwritten texts and computer based texts.

We are currently exploring imaginative writing and are using our ‘Zoo’ cinema trip for inspiration.

Health and Wellbeing

Primary 6 have begun their Growth Mindset journey by reflecting on previous learning experiences.  Learning can be so tricky and it is important for us to reflect on our past challenges. Lots of successful people have failed many times, so let’s celebrate our mistakes and learn from them!