P5 2018

March update

Lots of exciting learning has been going on in the Primary 5 classroom!


Lots of our writing this term has been based around our topic of “Castles”. We have been applying for jobs in medieval castles and writing diary entries about the day in the life of a castle.

World Book day

We really enjoyed sharing our favourite books with our classmates; some old some new, some fiction, some nonfiction, from all over the world.


We also went to Tillydrone library this week for some adventures in the library! We had great fun creating our own stories and making our imaginative characters come to life!

FairTrade fortnight

We have been doing a lot of work on Fairtrade, learning where the chocolate we eat comes from! We have been learning about the importance of treating the farmers equally. We have designed our own Fairtrade logos and created some persuasive advertisements on Fairtrade chocolate bars we have designed.


We were very lucky to learn about Chinese culture and celebrate the Chinese New Year with our Mandarin teacher, Peggy. We learnt about the “Year of the Pig” and the tradition of giving red envelopes. It has been great to learn about New Year celebrations in other parts of the world.

We have also been learning how to use chopsticks!

Health and wellbeing

We have been enjoying our “Relax Kids” workshops with Jennifer. We have been learning to identify and manage our emotions using different strategies. We have also been learning some massage techniques. The boys and girls in Primary 5 love to have a little nap during the school day!

We have been having some cricket lessons too! It has been great to have the opportunity to learn a new sport!

Expressive Arts

The opera came to visit our school! We were able to see and hear some live instruments and excellent performances of three different operas!