P3 Blue 2019

P3 Blue Home Learning Week 4

This week we started our whole school research project “Our Global World” and we started with Japan. We listened to a Japanese tale of a boy who only drew cats and we had a go at creating our own cats and sharing stories about their adventures.

Some of us have been working VERY hard at coding and have completed all of Course B! One member of our class has started taking her coding further. Great job Natalia!

In maths we finished off our learning on measure and took part in a whole class activity to build our own paper aeroplane, estimate how far it would travel and then measure the actual distance it travelled. Some of us then re-designed our aeroplanes so they travelled further. We used our technology skills to share our findings on a shared “Google Doc”. We have been learning how to use lots of different technology these past few weeks and we enjoyed our first “Google Meets” this week. We enjoyed seeing our friends and being able to say and wave “hello”!

Others continue to make items for their community including cards. This helps share our school ethos and School Values, especially the value “kindness”.

We have started learning about plants and what they need to grow. This builds on our learning last term of “living things” and how we know something is “living” or “non-living”. Some of us have already started growing plants and they are growing well! We had a go at writing poetry using poetry stones to inspire us. We also used Mrs McKinlay’s daily reading of Mrs Pepperpot to visualise a character.

Thank you to all our wonderful parents for supporting us with our wellbeing, keeping us happy and rested AND supporting us with our learning. You are doing a fantastic job and are our home heroes!

Have a restful weekend, Miss Bennett