P7K 2020-2021

September Learning in P7K

P7K have enjoyed settling back into school and establishing new routines!

Health and Wellbeing

We have been enjoying Health and Wellbeing lessons based on the SHANARRI Wheel. We know how important it is to be safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, included, responsible, respected and active! We were very lucky to join in a workshop with the Critter Keeper. He introduced us to many different ‘critters’ and explained how their characteristics also allow them to fit into the SHANARRI wheel.

We learned that the raccoon is the official mascot of 2020. This is because it looks like raccoons wear a mask (due to their markings), and they like to wash their hands in water!

We have been enjoying outdoor learning and having our PE lessons outside.


In literacy we have been reading for our own enjoyment, taking part in reflective reading opportunities and enjoying the online books and tasks set through the My Rising Stars website. We have written book reviews on our class novel ‘Born to Run’ by Michael Murpurgo, written letters to Mrs Martin and the ‘Critter Keeper’ and created biographies.


In numeracy we have been focussing on Rounding, Estimating and Measure. We are becoming familiar with new vocabulary and are now aware that we can use formulas to calculate area and volume.


We enjoy presenting a slide of our learning every week in assembly. We take turns to discuss our learning and share photos to the rest of the school!


  • Please could all children come to school with jackets. It is getting colder and we have to keep windows open in the classroom.
  • All children should bring a refillable water bottle and a piece of fruit/veg for snack.