P6 2020-2021Uncategorized

Term 2 – What Primary 6 will be learning

Welcome back Primary 6! I hope you all enjoyed the October holidays after a busy first term. Here are some of the things we will be learning in the next few weeks.


We will continue to use Rising Star as our core reading resource. We will also enjoy some Book Detective books in school for some free reading time. These books will be kept in school at all times.

We will continue with word of the day and V.C.O.P. activities to build our vocabulary and learn new spelling words and strategies.

In writing, we will be focusing on personal correspondence covering writing genres such as apologies, text conversation, questionnaires and interviews.


We are just about finished our measure topic in maths.  Next we will be moving on to data analysis and patterns and relationships.

We will continue to do mental maths on a daily basis, focusing on the four operations. Each week some times tables and division activities will be posted on Education City to consolidate learning.

Health and wellbeing

Our health and wellbeing focus will be based on relationships and social wellbeing. We will be looking at relationships and core values through a variety of lessons.


Our whole school topic this term is “Our Spiritual World”. We will be learning about some of the major world religions, their customs and beliefs and the festivals that they celebrate.


This term, homework will be handed out on a Wednesday and returned on a Monday. All homework will be assigned digitally through the google classroom and should be handed in through the google classroom too. If any pupils are unsure of how to hand in their homework please let me know!