
P1/2 News

P1/2 have been working very hard this month. We have enjoyed learning about Katie Morag and the island of Struay. Struay is a fictional island based on the Scottish island of Coll. We are learning about natural and man-made features on the island.





We have learned many Scottish dances and got to dance with some of the older children in our ceilidh.


We continue to learn from all areas of the curriculum and enjoy active language and maths lessons.




We were very excited to meet Angus The Bull and see the Scottish League Cup at our special assembly.

Gentle Reminders

Gym lessons are every Monday. Please ensure your child has their PE kit and indoor shoes with them. Show and Tell continues to be on a Friday afternoon. If your child would like to participate in ‘Show and Tell’, they should be prepared to talk about their toy or book to the class.