P2 2021-2022

Welcome back Primary 2

Take a look at some of the learning that has been happening so far in term 3 with Primary 2.

Primary 2 have had a very exciting few weeks back since the holidays.


In Numeray we have been learning about money. We have been identifying, recognising and sorting coins. We have been enjoying problem solving and working out ways to make the same amount with different coins. This week we have been adding coins to 10p 20p and even 50p!


In Literacy we have been very busy learning new sounds, and creating crafts to help us learn our sounds. We enjoy making words with our sounds with magnetic letters and whiteboards and lacing letters. We have been going on hunts in the sand tray to try and find words with out sound in them. Our writing so far this term has been linked to out Scotland topic, where we have been learning to create fact files on some Scottish animals. So far we have created a fact file about Highland Coo’s.


Our topic this term is Scotland. We have been enjoying learning the Circassian Circle in P.E. We have also been learning about Scottish food and created some amazing art work with different Scottish foods. We even got to try some on Burns Day and wear some tartan. We have also been learning some Scottish songs and some Scottish words. In assembly we sang ‘Heid, Shooders, Knees and Taes’ to the whole school. We have been involved in creating our own Scottish tartan by weaving.

We are looking forward to a busy term ahead and sharing more learning with you soon!