
Primary 5 January News

P5 Class News

Our class has been learning about algebra and function machines. We are enjoying these subjects.

Since the start of the term we have been learning the phonemes /‘ch’/ and /’sh’/.We did diacritical marking and we have been playing games like Spelling Battleships, Roll and Spell and Spelling Hopscotch. We also enjoy silent reading every day. We read in groups and complete Book Detective activities. Everyone can choose their own Accelerated Reader fiction or non-fiction title. Most of us complete an online quiz when we have finished the book.

We have been learning about Scottish Inventors. Last Friday we had a presentation in the hall in front of the whole school. We made some amazing props and posters. We acted as some famous Scottish scientists – Alexander Graham Bell, Alexander Fleming, James Clerk Maxwell, Joseph Black, James Watt, Alexander Cumming and Isabella Gordon.

In art, we have been drawing kelpies with Mrs Croxon by pouring ink on paper  and blowing it with air from straws. We also created some fabulous winter scenes.

In Mandarin, we have been learning how to pronounce the numbers, say the colours and match the meaning of words like “panda” or “Santa” with their character (the way it is written in Mandarin). Please try this link to practise at home.

In R.E. we have been reading the story of Ruth. We are enjoying the story. We also did some amazing work on the story.

In P.E. we have been learning about some dances like Strip the Willow and the Gay Gordons. Our class enjoyed the dance session at Aberdeen Sports Village.

This week was awesome!!!