
P6 January news

Hello from primary 6! We have settled back into school and are ready to learn! As ever, we have been very busy in recent weeks. Here’s a look at just some of things we have been up to.

This term, we went to visit the Gas de France office. The beautiful Aberdeen paintings we completed before Christmas are hanging in the staff cafeteria and we thought they looked lovely. We had a great trip and would like to thank Mrs Croxon and Mrs Robertson for taking us.

In honour of Burns Day, Mrs Armstrong organised a ceilidh for Primary 1 red, Primary 2, Primary 6 and Primary 7. We had been practising ceilidh dancing for a number of weeks and we really enjoyed teaching the younger classes some of the more difficult ceilidh dances.

We also took a trip to the Aberdeen Sports Village to try out some dance mats. We got to work in partners and in groups of four, learning co-operative skills.

This term, our topic has been Scottish castles. We have been very busy preparing presentations on castles of our choice and building our own castle models out of recycled material. We  showed some of our finished castles at our Burns Day assembly. The boys and girls in primary 6 also prepared a ‘show and tell’ based on castles. We were lucky to see some clothes worn in medieval times and the weapons used (thanks to Hector). Julia and Liliana brought photos of them visiting some Scottish castles. Harry made some quill pens similar to those used which were used in medieval times when local castles were being built.

Next week we will be beginning our topic on Old Aberdeen and look forward to exploring our local environment.