P2/3 2022-2023

Welcome to P2!

We have had a busy start to Primary 2. We have been enjoying learning in our new classroom and welcoming some new faces into our class.

Our Class Charter is linked to the UNCRC and links nicely into our context for learning this term – Our Democratic World


We have currently been working on numbers to 100 and shape. We have had the opportunity to explore these concepts through active games and outdoor learning. We will be moving onto addition and subtraction soon.


In literacy we have been learning to read using the Read Write Inc programme. We have been writing about our thoughts and feelings, including choosing which UNCRC Rights are important and why. Soon we will be writing sets of instructions, also linked to our IDL context, about the steps involved in playing different games.


We read the story of Jesus and the Little Children (Mark 10:13-16) and created paper plate worlds, writing a sentence alongside it to explain something we can do to show fairness and kindness to others.

Expressive Arts

This term we have began to look at the work of Vincent Van Gogh in Art. So far we have learnt about his love for drawing sunflowers and created our own still life drawing using oil pastels. We will continue to learn about some more of his famous work this term and will be taking a look at ‘Starry Night’ soon.