P1 2022-2023

Welcome to Primary 1

Welcome to Primary 1! We have had busy few weeks back and have been enjoying settling into Primary, learning new routines and making lots of new friends. Here is some of our learning so far.


This term in Numeracy, we will be learning to read, recognise and write numbers. We will also be learning to add and subtract very soon!


We have been busy learning sounds and enjoy coming in every morning to learn our new sound for the day! We have even started blending sounds to make words using our Fred Talk!

Interdisciplinary Learning

Our Topic for this term is ‘People Who Help Us’ and we are looking forward to learning about different people, their jobs and how they help us! So far, we looked at people who help us at home and drawn pictures of our families and made houses from lolly sticks!

We have been enjoying weekly singing with Miss Hamilton and weekly RADS sessions with Callum and we look forward to sharing more learning with you soon!