End of term 1 in P1/2
P1/2 have had an amazing start to the school year, we can’t believe that the October holidays are almost here already. The children have been learning lots across all areas of the curriculum and have brought enthusiasm to everything they have done.
In Primary 1, we have been learning about numbers to 10. We have been counting, sequencing and ordering numbers from 0-10. We have enjoyed learning in our school garden, through playing games in the classroom and on the ipads.

In Primary 2, we have been working with numbers to 100/1000. We have been partioning numbers into tens and units, we had lots of fun using sticks and stones in the garden to represent tens and units. We have been learning to order a range of numbers and enjoyed doing this by ordering raffle ticks and playing games on the laptops. We have also enjoyed playing a “musical bumps” type game when learning to round numbers to the nearest 10. We had to stretch up high to round the number up, and crouch down low to round it down.

After the holidays, both P1 and P2 children will be learning to add and subtract.
Primary 1 are continuing to learn to read using our “Read, Write, inc” program. By the end of this coming week the children will have learned every sound in the alphabet. The children have been learning to use “Fred talk” to listen to sounds and blend them into words. We are starting to use “Fred talk” to learn to write 3 letter words. The children will continue to develop this knowledge next term.
In Primary 2, along with learning to read lessons 4 times a week, we have been enjoying our weekly writing lessons. At the start of the term we were learning to write about our thoughts and feelings. For the last 4 weeks we have been learning to write instructions. We have learned all the features of instruction writing and have shown that we can write 4 step instructions independently. We are extremely proud of our achievements in writing this term.

Our whole school IDL term focus this term has been “Our democratic world”. P1/2 have been focusing on our rights, specifically the right to play. We learned about why play is so important We learned to play a range of different board games and then worked very well in groups to design and create our own board games. Last week we worked in groups with the children from P2L to play each other’s games. It was so much fun to play game that were designed by our friends!

Next term our IDL focus is Myths and Legends for November and Performances and Performers for December.
In science we have been learning about electricity. We have learned to build circuits and even made our own robots with light-up eyes and a propeller on it’s head.

We have been learning about some of the miracles of Jesus. We learned about the miracle of the loaves and fish. We designed our own basket and filled it with fish and loaves to remind ourselves of what happened in the miracle. During harvest time we wrote our own prayers thanking God for our favourite foods. We have also been learning about the signs of Autumn and thanked God for our favourite parts of Autumn.
In art we have been learning about the artist Van Gogh. We have created our own versions of his pieces of art “Starry night”, “Sunflowers” and “Cherry blossoms”.

MacMillan coffee morning.
We had lots of fun baking for our MacMillan coffee morning, we had even more fun eating the cakes the next day! We learned that we were having our coffee morning to help to raise money to help people who are sick.

Have a lovely October holidays from everyone in P1/2.