P2/3 2022-2023

Term 1 in P2

We have come to the end of a busy first term in Primary 2. We have experienced lots of new learning, worked hard and welcomed some new children to our class. Enjoy the holidays!


This term we have been using numbers to 100 and 1000. We have used concrete materials to help us understand tens and ones, such as using spaghetti and cereal to partition numbers and used the interactive whiteboard to play a tens and ones basketball game. We also completed a maths trail, where we found shapes around us in our environment and for Maths Week we were lucky enough to have P5 help us with Sumdog.

Next term we will be focusing on addition, subtraction and time.


In Literacy this term we have been learning to read through our Read Write Inc program. We have also been learning to write instructions that link with our IDL topic of the right to play, we made our own board games and wrote instructions for these. There has been lots of progress in our independent writing this term, next term we will be focusing on linking literacy to our school learning context of Myths and Legends and Primary 2 will be focusing on Fairy tales.


In R.E this term we have been learning about Jesus and the Ten Lepers and acted our ways with our friends that we can help each other and show that we are thankful. We have also been looking at the signs of Autumn and thanking God for the seasons. Next term we will be looking at different Saints.

Expressive Arts

In term 1 we have been learning about different pieces of art painted by Van Gogh. We looked at ‘Sunflowers’, ‘Starry Night’ and ‘Almond Blossoms’ and shared our thoughts and feelings in response to these. We used oil pastels and paint to create our own versions of these. Next term we will be exploring drama and practicing for our Nativity.