Term 3 in Primary 6

At the beginning of Term 3 our context for learning was Scotland where we explored scottish language and culture. We enjoyed creating our own poems, interpreting Doric poetry and creating a variety of artwork. We particularly enjoyed applying our knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages when creating our own clan tartans and learning a couple of ceilidh dances.
In February we have moved on to our Malawi context for learning and are currently enjoying celebrating Africa Week with a variety of activities. We are using Global Goals as a driver for this context which ties in nicely with Laudato Si’ and recognising our role as a responsible citizen (responsible robin). Primary 6 are focusing on Global Goal 8 – Decent work and economic growth. We chose this because when we were discussing what we know and what we want to know, some of us asked why there was so much talk of farming in Malawi and we wondered if this was the only job. We will get to know more about the people and place, especially as we partner up with a school in Malawi.
We have started our class novel study Wonder and have been using Reflective Reading strategies to help us understand it, going on to apply these strategies on our group texts.
Each of us has a set of targets we are working on and keep track of on our Google Classroom with photographic evidence of our learning and achievements. Some of us have been supporting the wider school community at developing SMART targets (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely). Thank you to families who ask us about these and talk to us about our progress, we are getting much better at discussing our achievements and have lot’s to share for our Achievement Tree each week!
In our R.E lessons, we learned about Candlemas and prepared for a lovely celebration at St. Mary’s Cathedral where we celebrated alongside our peers at Holy Family and St. Joseph’s RC Schools.
Later in the term we will be learning about time in maths and applying this in our French lessons too. As part of Our Spiritual Worldv context in March, we will be preparing for Easter during the season of Lent and learning about Judaism. In Health and Wellbeing we will continue our themes of Included and Respected and learning the sports Tennis and Netball.