P6 2022-2023

Term 3 in Primary 6

It has been a busy term in Primary 6. Here is what a few of us had to say about it:

In maths we learned about short and long time intervals and problem solving strategies. In reading we were reading a book called Wonder it’s about a boy called August. As part of our context for learning, we took notes on Malawi and Judaism it was fun and we used these to write a report about Judaism. In P.E we learnt about netball, we did chest passing with Callum and Miss Bennett. In Health and Wellbeing we made kindness boomerangs and made #bekind cards to help us to learn what it is to be kind. In March we had science week, we did experiments to see what would happen. We also went on a trip to St Machar Academy to play Boccia with other schools.

Written by:

Daniel, Esther, Filip, Jeffery, Lenka, Nubaid, Sophia