P5 2023-2024

Welcome to P5

P5 have settled in really well and the first few weeks of our term has involved getting to know each other, reminding ourselves of our school values, establishing our class charter and taking part in different activities across the curriculum.


In Literacy we have been thinking about ways to up level our writing and growing our writing tool kit. We have used onomatopoeia and synonyms as examples of ways authors up level their writing in comic books and novels. We try to be inspired by this too.


We have been taking part in whole number activities – place value and rounding. We like to work together to help each other solve problems in maths and we also try hard to work independently when our teacher asks.

Health and Wellbeing

We loved our high energy fitness stations to get us used to PE again after a long summer, we have now moved onto tennis which has been lots of fun. So far we have practiced accuracy, forehand and backhand. Mrs. Kelman is taking us through class health and wellbeing lessons and so far we have learned about ways to stay safe in every day life like following expiry dates.

We Belong at St. Peter’s School

Our context for learning has been about where we belong and where we have come from. We have followed a beautiful book called ‘Children who Changed the World’ throughout this topic. This has inspired us in her talking and listening, writing and art lessons. We also used this book to help establish our class charter.

Thank you to those parents who attended our Meet the Teacher event. Those parents who couldn’t make it can check more information about P5 this year on the slide which has been posted to google classroom.

Thank you,
