P6 2023-2024

Primary 6 – Term 1 Update

P6 have quickly settled in to school again after the summer and have been very welcoming to our new classmate and teacher.
We have spent time discussing our school values and agreeing our class charter – we want to look after each other to ensure we are happy and successful learners in P6.


We have been learning to write persuasive letters and have been putting our skills into practice with applications to JRSO and Pupil Council. We have been enjoying sharpening our Reflective Reading skills including visualising and summarising. P6 love reading and talking about books!


We have been enjoying mental maths games and strategy challenges in the first couple of weeks. We are now learning more about whole number, starting with place value and revisiting addition and subtraction.

Health and Wellbeing

P6 love P.E. and are very competitive! We were delighted to win the SUSTRANS cycling challenge! One of our favourite parts of the week is our outdoor games with RADS.
We have also been discussing SHANARRI – how we feel safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included. We have been comparing our learning journey in P6 to a rollercoaster – sometimes it will be fun, sometimes we will feel scared – and that is ok. We talked about asking for help and supporting each other.

We Belong at St. Peter’s School

Our context for learning this term has been “We Belong…..at St Peter’s School”. We have been learning about the countries we have a connection to. We used the book “If The World Was 100 People” to help us imagine the world we belong to as a village and empathise with the people in our village who suffer from the inequalities that exist.

Thank you to those who were able to attend our Meet the Teacher event. If you couldn’t make it, the info slide has been posted on Google Classroom.

Thank for reading!

Primary 6.