P1B 2023-2024

Welcome to P1B

We have been settling into Primary 1, learning our school values and routines. We have been exploring our classroom learning space, as well as making lots of new friends!


Using the Read Write Inc programme, we will be learning new sounds every week, and use Fred Talk to blend sounds together to make words. There will be opportunities to develop our literacy skills in lots of different ways, such as outdoors, in the classroom mark-making area, through games, as well as using digital technology.


In numeracy we will begin with numbers to 0-10, and then on to 20. This will include recognising numbers in their formation and their amount. We will also learn to order numbers correctly in sequence, and learn to fill in missing numbers. Lots of tools will be taught and be available to build numeracy skills, as well as opportunities through active learning.

Interdisciplinary Learning

Our topic this term is ‘We Belong’ where we will be learning about people who help us at home and in our community. We will learn all about people in school, the emergency services, and road safety!

Health and Wellbeing

This term’s focus is “how to stay safe and healthy”, where we link a lot to our interdisciplinary learning, where will learn about people who help us to stay safe and healthy in and out of school. Weekly RADS and P.E. lessons will also keep us active, as well as our regular Active Adventure days!

Other News

We will have music lessons every Wednesday with Mrs Hamilton, singing songs which link to our learning.

Photos of our learning will be shared weekly on Google Classroom.

Miss Bentley