P5 2023-2024

P5 learning

Well done to P5s who have worked hard so far this term on lots of different aspects of their learning.


Having completed our shape and coordinates topic we have now moved onto money where we have learned about budgeting, solving money calculations, working out change and different ways people play for things. This has been a really hands on maths topic with lots of scope for real life learning.


Our writing has been linked to Silver City by the Sea and we created persuasive writing on stopping pollution in our rivers and seas. We have also created posters comparing marine life in Aberdeen then and now. We have also continued to read books linked to our context for learning and took part in research to create google slides. We continue to use accelerated reader in school every day and boost learning at home.

Interdisciplinary Learning

We had a great time on our visit to the Maritime Museum and Footdee, where we learned even more about the history Aberdeen has with marine life and also boosted our knowledge of the job seafarers do today. We also had lots of fun taking part in a treasure hunt around Footdee where we discovered more about this little fishing village.

Health and Wellbeing

We continue to take part in RADS and P.E activities every week. We learn about how to keep safe and healthy during Health and Wellbeing lessons in class.