School News


We have been contacted by a group of RGU students who are organising a family event for the Befriend a Child charity. Please read about it below. Thank you.
Walk on the Wild Side is a 3k jungle themed sponsored walk in aid of local charity, Befriend a Child. The walk will take place in Hazlehead Park on the 29th of March. Registration of participants will start at 10am for the walk beginning at 11am. After the walk there will be a range of entertainment, food, bouncy castles and stalls to keep the whole family entertained. Fancy dress is optional but encouraged!
The walk is £10 to sign up which counts as your first £10 of sponsorship. A sponsorship sheet and information pack will be sent out after registration and payment. All ages are welcome and kids can participate for free (however we do ask that all children under 16 are signed up in advance and have a parent or guardian doing the walk along with them).

No tickets necessary for spectators and all are welcome to come and enjoy the entertainment afterwards free of charge!
Please come along and support this fantastic charity while having a fun-filled family day out!
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