
The month ahead – March 2015

With only a few weeks until the Easter holidays, the primary 6 class are in store for a busy month ahead.

In maths, they will be finishing up measure this week and moving onto money. Any opportunity to work with money at home would really benefit their learning.

In language, we will continue our active spelling strategies and our class novel, “Holes”. In writing, we will be working in our co-operative learning groups to write our own poetry based on Old Aberdeen.

In R.E. our focus for the next month is the story of the Passion of Jesus. P6 will perform the  “Passion Play” for all the pupils in school on April 2nd. We hope our parents can come to support us too. The boys and girls are encouraged to practise their lines and songs at home when possible. We have some costumes in school but any additional costumes would be greatly appreciated. We will also look into the life of St. Patrick and learn how his feast day is celebrated in Ireland on 17th March.

Also in our co-operative learning groups we are working on projects based on life in Old Aberdeen.