
Primary 5 Class news

Primary 5 have been very busy recently.

In maths we have just finished a unit on number. We have been learning to multiply and divide large numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.

We are now starting a unit on time. The children are learning to tell the time to the nearest minute on digital and analogue clocks. They are also learning to work with 24 hour time and work out duration.


In spelling we are working with the phoneme “k” for the next two weeks. We have been looking at the following representations of the “k” sound, “c”, “ck”, “k” and “ch”

In Grammar we will be learning about different representations of past tense.


In R.E we have been reflecting on the significance of the cross as a reminder of Jesus’s death and resurrection. We thought about what the cross means to us and then designed our own crosses.


On Wednesday, Father Colin came to visit the class to talk about St. John Ogilvie. We will be learning more about the life of St. John Ogilvie in preparation for our visit to Keith with Primary 7 before the October holidays.


We had a wonderful visit from Sandie Robb from Edinburgh Zoo. She came to talk to us about pandas and the importance of conservation projects. The activities were lots of fun!

In our project lessons we have started to learn about Ancient China. We had fun trying to order the dates of important events in China’s history. It was quite tricky when we were working with both BC and AD dates.

The Chinese Moon festival takes place on 27th September. Next week we will be learning about how Chinese people celebrate the moon festival. In art we will be creating moonscapes to go with poems that we will be writing about the moon.

We will then continue to learn, in greater detail, about some of the events in Ancient China.

We have been learning a very famous song about a Jasmine flower. We then created our own paintings of jasmine flowers. We learned to paint in the Chinese style – it was very tricky to hold the paint brush correctly!

We have one more week of our swimming lessons at the sports village. The children have worked very hard in their lessons to improve their technique and stamina in the swimming pool. Thank you to the parent helpers who have given up their time each week to walk with us to the swimming pool.

We have just started to learn German with Mrs Bain. We can introduce ourselves and are beginning to learn the names for colours.

On Wednesday we had a wonderful visit from the Wuhan puppeteers. We got to see them perform a puppet dance and they told us about how their puppets work. Some of us even got to work the puppets ourselves!

Today the children have been very busy baking for our McMillan coffee morning on Friday. The children worked extremely hard inĀ groups and are looking forward to sharing their baking at the coffee morning.