
Welcome to P4!

Welcome back to the boys and girls in P4.

This is a very important time for us as it is the year we will be making our First Holy Communion. We have had a great start to the year and what a busy term it has been!

At the start of the term, we were learning about our rights and the responsibilities that come with them. We discussed the ways we can show respect for each others’ rights in our classroom.

The expectations for how to behave in school were also discussed and decided as a class. We agreed that in Primary 4:

  • We treat all people and their belongings with respect
  • We are helpful and honest
  • We talk with an appropriate level of voice
  • We work hard all the time





In maths we have been learning about measuring weight and length. It has been very active and we have used lots of different instruments to help us. We will return to this later in the year! We have also started a topic on Number Processes that we will continue with in November.


Our topic this term is Aberdeen. Since receiving a letter from a girl in Glasgow asking for our help, we have been researching fun things for families to do in the city. We have also identified the parks and landmarks in our local area and have looked at maps of Aberdeen. After the holidays, we hope to go on a community walk to visit some of the places we have been learning about so any support you can give us would be greatly appreciated.


Our topic work links in with our writing where we have been learning how to write directions, using imperative verbs and prepositions, by following maps. We have also explored letter writing and even wrote our own reply to the letter that Emma sent us! Our reading scheme this year is Project X and we are making great progress in reading with fluency and expression. Our reading days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday so can you ensure that children bring their reading books to school on these days.

In phonics we have learned lots of strategies to help our spelling and have revised the phonemes ‘ae’ and ‘ee’ with the different representations of each sound.

In PE we have been developing our fitness with Mrs Armstrong on Wednesdays and have attended weekly swimming lessons at Northfield Swimming Pool on Thursdays. Please make sure your child comes to school prepared for PE and swimming on these days. Our last session for swimming is Thursday 19th November 2015.

Homework is given out on a Monday and should be returned on Fridays. Pupils have now received homework diaries and blue homework folders. It is the children’s own responsibility to make sure they copy down their homework tasks correctly in their diaries. Each week children will get reading for homework as well as questions to answer based on their book. They also get a maths activity and tasks to do for topic. For additional practice each week, children can access Education City for a range of activities that relate to the work being done in class. Login details are at the front of homework jotters. It would be beneficial to all if you can be sure to sign your child’s homework jotter and diary before returning both to school on a Friday.

Thank you for your continued support.

From Miss Rooney and Primary 4.