
September and October in P3 Blue

We have been super busy learning lots of new and exciting things in Primary 3 Blue! Here are some photographs of our learning from before the October Holidays!

We looked at zentangle art. We used it to create a handprint.


We have been learning about the compass points. We know that a compass works by using the Earth’s magnetic field. We made our own compasses using a needle, some polystyrene, a cup and some water.


We have been using magnets to make a game. We made magnetic bumblebees. We enjoyed learning about which materials are magnetic and which are not.

We made a ship in a bottle using collage.


Primary 3 had a fantastic time at Satrosphere Science Centre. We learnt lots about fossils and dinosaurs. We enjoyed being able to explore the different exhibits. Here are some photographs of our trip!

We hope you had a fantastic October Holidays! We are all excited to be back.

Miss Webb and Primary 3 Blue