P2 red trip to Zoology building and Cruickshank Gardens
On Friday 27th May the boys and girls had the fantastic opportunity to visit Aberdeen University’s Zoology building and Cruickshank Gardens for a Marvellous Minibeast Workshop.
The children had a minibeast hunt inside the Cruickshank Gardens. They used little pots to collect the creatures they found. They were able to mark them off on a tally mark chart.
Inside the Zoology building the children all had the opportunity to handle different minibeasts. They were able to see and hold snails, worms and woodlice. They saw other creatures preserved by taxidermy. There were also bees for the children to investigate safely.
We had a fantastic day learning all about minibeasts and hunting for them in the garden. Thank you so much for your support on the day!
Miss Blair and Primary 2 red.