
Primary 3 Blue class news.

Primary three have settled very well into the new school year.

We have been learning about numbers to 100 and the place value of digits to 1000.

In mental maths we have been learning about odd and even numbers, doubling numbers and halving numbers.img_1696

We are currently in the middle of a unit on position and movement. We have been enjoying learning about co-ordinates. We will be going on to learn about the compass points and learning to describe simple journeys.


We are currently revising phonemes from last year. So far we have revised the sounds ue, aw, oi, au, ew, ow, ou, igh, y, i-e, oe and e-e.
Next week we will be revising the sounds a-e, u-e and ea before going on to learn a new sound each week.

We are working hard at handwriting lessons each week and have been learning the joins for ch, th, ai, ay, er and ir.

In language work we have been learning about adjectives and have been using this knowledge to improve our writing by including adjectives.

Our topic is Pirates. The children have been learning about the continents and oceans of the world, the features of Pirate Ships, the types of treasure that Pirates look for and we have also been creating our very own treasure maps.


In science we have been learning about materials. We learned that everything is made from atoms. We investigated ice and created some wonderful boats to test if they would float. We enjoyed racing our boats against each other.


The children enjoyed a session at the Sports Village where they participated in a “Fun fitness” session.



We had a wonderful visit from Phil from the Booster Cushion Theatre who performed an amazing show all about Old McDonald’s farm. img_1727jpg

Thank you for listening to your child read each night and for helping with their homework.

Miss MacDonald