P1 Blue 2016/2017

P2 Blue_ Term 4 News


In term 4, P2 children have been learning about multiplication, starting with repeated addition and exploring different funny learning activities. We have been also practising the 2 and 4 time tables with table games and interesting resources like pasta to make groups of things.

Now we are learning about division by sharing. It was a little hard at the beginning but now the children in P2 Blue are making very good progress with this new Maths topic.



In Literacy we keep learning new phonemes and new common words every week. Children enjoy learning through different learning stations, songs and games. In listening and talking sessions, they are moving further, making up stories with their own sock puppets. They are learning how to reflect on their own performance and giving feedback to each other.


In writing, we have learned some new words from our project (skeleton, body systems and healthy eating). P2 Blue performed the “Boneyard Rap” wonderfully to the whole school in assembly. It was funny and scary!

We have practised watercolour painting for our drawing before writing our stories to help us to include lots of details. We are also learning how to make longer sentences using connectives and powerful adjectives.



Our new topic for this term is “Our Body”. Children in P2 Blue are really enjoying learning many interesting things about the main body systems and ways to keep healthy. Here are some pictures that show what we did:


We will explore the senses, germs and cooking techniques. We will learn how to keep ourselves safe and healthy.