
School Handbook updated Dec 2017

Dec 2017 St Peters handbook

The school handbook has been updated and includes useful information about

  • Our school curriculum, staff and admission procedures,
  • Our Philosophy, Aims and Ethos
  • Parental Involvement
  • Raising Concerns
  • Inclusion
  • Getting It Right For Every Child
  • Additional Support  for Learning
  • Attainment  and Achievements
  • Assessment
  • Pupil Voice and Houses
  • School Policies
  • Communication with parents and carers
  • Transitions  – Joining Primary One (including key dates), Transitions between stages and Transition to secondary education
  • Homework
  • Out of School Activities for Pupils
  • Food in school – Breakfast Club, Snacks and School lunches
  • Promoting Positive Behaviour
  • School Code of Conduct and Golden Rules
  • Playground Rules and Expectations of Behaviour
  • Health and Safety
  • Child Protection
  • School Safety Rules
  • Safety in the Playground
  • Travel Safety
  • Security
  •  Mobile phones
  • Emergency School Closure Policy
  • Winter Weather Policy
  • Insurance
  • Data collection and sharing
  • Appendix 1 – Staff List                                                           Pages 37 – 38
  • Appendix 2 – Parent Council                                                  Page 39
  • Appendix 3 – Local Support and Information                         Pages 40 – 41
  • Appendix 4 – National Contacts                                             Page 41
  • Appendix 5 – Complaints Procedure                                      Page 42

You can download a copy here Dec 2017 St Peters handbook

You can request a hard copy from the school office.