
Reminder about arrangements for wintry weather

The children have taken a letter home today reminding parents about the arrangements we have in place for spells of wintry weather.

winter weather update 27.02.18

  1. Travel only if it is safe to do so. Classes start at 9.30am to allow extra time for safe journeys.
  2. Breakfast Club should open as usual at 8.15am.
  3. Children who are not attending Breakfast Club should arrive no earlier than 8.45am.
  4. Children should be dressed for the weather – warm coat, suitable footwear and gloves.
  5. They need indoor shoes to wear inside the building. Please put a spare pair of socks in your child’s bag.

Aberdeen City Council have asked us to identify priority paths that will be cleared by the janitor. Full details are on the letter. Car parks are not treated and parents’ cars must not be brought into the school grounds.

During wintry weather, after-school activities are cancelled so that pupils and staff can travel home safely.

Thank you for your co-operation to keep our children safe.