
Victorian Scotland

In P5 our topic this term has been “The Victorians”. We have been learning what it was like to live during the Victorian Era especially in Scotland. In class, we have been learning about the workhouse and who lived there. We have written fantastic diary entries from the perspective of a child living and working in the workhouse. Alongside this, we have studied the life of Florence Nightingale. We made paper lamps just like the one that Florence carried throughout the hospital at night. We have compared the medicines that  were prescribed in the Victorian Times to the medicine we use now in the 21st Century.

On Wednesday, we enjoyed a fantastic trip to Tarves Heritage Centre and to Haddo House.


We furthered our knowledge about Victorian household items and we had the opportunity to pretend to use Victorian irons, lanterns and washing boards.

We dressed up as Victorian children and took part in a role play Victorian classroom. We wrote times tables and spelling words on slates and recited information in unison.


As a class, we decided that we prefer schooling now than in the 1800’s.


During our visit to Haddo House we gained a better understanding of the difference between the servants and the house staff and the Ladies and Lords who had more money. The house is beautifully decorated and we even had the opportunity to see the bedroom where Queen Victoria had once stayed with her husband, Prince Albert. We were fascinated by the bell system linked to each room and the secret doors which led to unknown hallways. We had such a great trip!