P4 2018

P4 News

Welcome to P4. Here’s an update of what we’ve been doing in class.


We have recently completed our topic of Fractions and are moving on to Patterns and Relationships next. We have worked really hard and have shown a great understanding of equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions, finding fractions of numbers and ordering fractions. Well done P4. We have recently come 4th in the Aberdeen City Sumdog Maths contest. 176 classes across the city entered. Very well done to all of P4 who played their part answering questions and showing great mental maths skills in school and at home.



We all had a great time sharing our favourite book this World Book Day. Everyone presented a talk explaining their favourite book and why this is their favourite. Well done to all the children for preparing great talks. We are enjoying reading “The BFG” and sharing our reflections on the different characters and plots within the story. This has helped us to write with more imagination and to aspire to be like the great authors such as Roald Dahl.


We are learning Mandarin with Peggy every Monday. When it was Chinese New Year, we had sepcial activities in our classroom.




Learning about the Vikings is lots of fun. In drama we take part in activities where we are Viking warriors and take on the role of different people who lived at that time. We know about the way people lived in those days and have compared it to the way we live now. Viking longhouses are very different to our homes today! We are currently finding out about the different Viking Gods and what they all represented to the people at that time.


Thank you for working together with the children to help them prepare for the sacrament of Communion. The children are working through their ‘I Belong’ book and taking part in all the activities that help us remember the journey we are all on.

Arts across learning

Last Friday we were paid a visit from Gabi and Phil as part of the ‘Oor Monsters’ creative project. All the children created their own monster using only cardboard and different crafts to design it. They then imagined what kind of story they would make up for their monster and what their purpose was. Where would it live and what would its name be?


Relax Kids

Every Friday P4 take part in Relax Kids with Jennifer, our visiting specialist. The purpose of Relax Kids is to focus on a different emotion each week and understand how to manage these emotions in a positive way. The children have found the sessions really beneficial so far and their engagement in lessons after they have Relax Kids shows that they are more focused with less worries. Well done for being stars, P4.