P3/4 2018Uncategorized

P3/4 Term 3


In February we visited Tillydrone Library. We enjoyed visiting Louise and the team and having the opportunity to borrow books from a City library. Some of us have read so many books that we have completed our First Minister’s Reading Challenge booklet! In writing we have been linking our learning in topic exploring newspaper writing and diary entries. For World Book Day we read 2 books by Peter Reynolds: “ish” and “the dot” and we used paints and watercolours to create artwork inspired by these books. We enjoyed receiving our free books!

“It was a good book that I got” by Olivia.


This term we have been exploring shape, measuring, learning formal subtraction (including exchanging) and playing with patterns. In mental maths we have revised the partitioning bridging through 10 strategy (e.g. 34 + 12 Becomes 34 + 6 then 40 + 6 = 46). We then practised the counting back strategy for subtraction problems.

Health and Wellbeing

Jennifer from Relax Kids talked to us about feelings. She gave us tools to help us handle our feelings like the spring to help us with our breathing. By Aron.

In P.E. we practised throwing up the rocket and hitting it with our racket (badminton). By Aron.

We also explored Fairtrade chocolate as part of Fairtrade Fortnight and in preparation for Lent by making chocolate crispies and chocolate art.


Homes through the ages was our topic this term and we have been taking a step back in time, learning about the features of early settlements as well as blackhouses and tenement buildings. We then went forward in time to predict what houses of the future might be like. We enjoyed walking around our local area and looking at the external features of different houses. We used this knowledge to be city planners and to re-create Aberdeen streets for bee-bot to explore. We used our skills in measure to make sure the road was the correct width for the bee-bot. We used our skills in drawing to re-create features such as Aberdeen Sports Village.


In March, P3’s went to St. Peter’s RC Church and on the walk back to school, we explored a small part of Aberdeen including the original St. Peter’s RC School on Constitution St. This got us thinking about Priest Gordon and our School Consultation.

Primary 3’s completed their sacrament of Reconciliation this term. They did a great job of being self-reflective in examining their consciences. They also considered the importance of being sorry and putting things right through penance. The whole class has been considering how they can put things right and Bible stories where we see this happen.