
January Learning in Primary 5/6

We have been very busy in January.

We are preparing for our Big Schools Birdwatch. http://ww2.rspb.org.uk/Images/counting_chart_COL_tcm9-382562.pdf

We enjoyed making bird feeders using lard, seeds and dried fruit. In February we are going to put some feeders in our school garden to attract more birds for our birdwatch!


We enjoyed learning our Nessie poem and reciting it at our Burns Celebration Event. We learnt how to dance the Orcadian Strip the Willow. It was very fast!

We have been learning about the Scottish Parliament. This week Laura came to visit us. We learnt more about some of the parties and how Parliament works. We took part in a debate about the speed limit in residential and urban areas. We used clicker pads to vote. It was great fun!


Our new topic is ‘Mary Queen of Scots’. We will be looking at what life was like in Tudor Scotland and some important events and people from her life.

In Maths we are currently looking at shape. We are learning to recognise and describe some of the properties of different 2 dimensional shapes including triangles and quadrilaterals.

Watch this video to revise some of the different quadrilaterals we have been learning about. Click this link to take you to BBC Bitesize where you can test your knowledge on the 4 different types of triangle.

We have finished our topic on angles. We now know that a right angle is 90° and can describe angles as obtuse, acute or a right angle. Some of the boys and girls have started to measure angles using a protractor,

It is very cold and icy outside. Please remember to bring indoor shoes and wear coats, gloves and hats to keep you warm at playtimes.

We have P.E on Wednesdays with Mrs Armstrong. Please make sure you have a gym kit with a change of t.shirt and shorts. No jewellery or watches should be worn during P.E.

Miss Webb and Primary 5/6