
P3/4 Library Visit

Library Visit

Primary 3/4 will be visiting the library in the coming weeks as part of their First Minister’s Reading Challenge. Each child is encouraged to bring their library card with them  on the day to borrow books whilst on the visit.

Library membership is free and your card can be used at any city library. You can find details on how to join the library here. Each library has a collection of books as well as audio books and DVD’s.

Details of the library visit have been sent on Marvellous Me. If you have any further questions, please see Miss Bennett.


We welcomed Fr. Gabor to our class this week to speak to us about the sacrament of Reconciliation. P3’s shared their questions with Fr. Gabor whilst P4’s shared their experiences with the class.

Flatpack Opera 

This week we experienced 3 stories through Opera: “Visiting Hour”, “Arloe the Anteater” and “North”. Ask us about them and what is happening in this picture…