P5 2018

Term 4

It is hard to believe we are in Term 4 of Primary 5! The class have an exciting term ahead!


Our topic at the moment is shape, position and movement. The boys and girls have been learning about compass points, angles and plotting co-ordinates. Ask pupils about the different types of angles they can spot around their homes!


We are almost finished our class novel, “The Last Wolf” and look forward to hear what happened to Robbie McLeod and his best friend Charlie. We will continue to explore areas of grammar and spelling this term. The topic for the term is “Our Natural world”. Our writing lessons will link to our topic covering a wide range of genres.

In Mandarin, we have been learning the names for different body parts alongside numbers beyond 10. We have learned lot of catchy songs and rhymes to help us retain our new vocabulary.

Health and wellbeing

We are a very active class this term. On Mondays, we have RGU coaches coming in to teach us a range of different sports. On Tuesdays, we have football with the RADs coaches and on Wednesdays we have P.E. with Mrs Armstrong in preparation for Sports Day. Please remember to bring gym kits to school on these days.

We had great fun in Seaton Park for our “Monday Funday” organised by the Primary 7’s. We took part in a fun run, an obstacle course and a treasure hunt!