P2 B 2018

Term 4 Primary 2 Blue

Term 4 in Primary 2 Blue

We have had a lovely break and are looking forward to the summer term! Primary 2 Blue enjoyed our trip to Seaton Park on Easter Monday. We played in the park and participated in a fun run and Easter trail.

Searching for clues

Swimming lessons at the Sports Village have been great fun and the children’s confidence in the water has grown. This term we look forward to visiting the library and we are looking forward to our school trip. Details will follow shortly!


This term we will be learning the new sounds –  e-e   ss   ll   ff   kn   mb

And spelling words –

father  head   mother   jump

four  miss   never  these

well  will  fell  call

three  room  long  tree

under  were  thing  know

green  people  which  another

Weekly grammar lessons will continue.

Reading groups will be heard twice a week when possible. Please ensure that your child has their reading book with them every day.

Writing lessons will be cross-curricular and linked to our topic.



We are learning more about multiplication and the link with division. The children will be learning to share numbers equally through various, fun activities.

Primary 2 will also be learning more about measurement. We will be using everyday objects to estimate length, height, mass and capacity. We will also use  a range of instruments including rulers, metre sticks, digital scales and measuring jugs to record measurements.


Our topic this term is ‘Percy the Park Keeper.’ Percy is a fictional character created by the author Nick Butterworth.

This is a cross-curricular topic giving pupils the opportunity to learn about living things and habitats. The boys and girls will be planting their own vegetables and flowers. They will be learning about mini-beasts, tadpoles, frogs and other wildlife.

Lessons with Specialist Teachers

Music – Mr Dawson  (Monday)

Football – Russell Anderson Development School (Tuesday)

Gym – Mrs Armstrong (Wednesday)

Drama – Mrs Hutton (Thursday)

Gentle Reminders

  • Reading books and reading records should be brought to school every day
  • All children should have a gym kit in school
  • Pierced ears should be covered by tape/plaster for gym lessons